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Check out these photos of our first dog park gathering on 2nd June 2018

Thanks to everyone who made this successful!

Watch this space for more gatherings.


This website is to keep members of the Central Otago community updated on their fenced dog park which we are campaigning to have finished. Keep checking back for regular updates, events, gatherings and working bee's that are coming up!


There will be working bees coming up and more ways you can help us. Keep checking back to our website or our Facebook page for regular updates.

Or joining our mailing list so you never miss an opportunity to help.


Watch this space for a 'give a little' page for our dog park.

We will be setting one up so that residents can help this project get off the ground!

We also welcome donations of dog toys and other useful items for the park. Simply drop them off to the site.

Get Involved

Register via email to join our mailing list. You will receive updates and invites to events that are happening at our park, as well as ways you can help us get this park completed! This page will remain open once the park is complete for organised events, gatherings, and to pass on maintenance requests.

News Update

News Update


What a great gathering this morning at the dog park! Thank you to everyone who came along with their dogs. A great morning was had by all and I think we all made new human and doggie friends. Check out the photos above!

Park Location

Join the
Conversation in our Forum!


The CODC Long Term Plan hearing is now over. The presentation went well and there have been a number of updates in the CO News since the hearing on 6th of June. The matter has been referred to the Vincent Community Board to further explore options.

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